A Little French Tune.

tu m'inspires
tout le bon
le meilleur
meilleur que des bon bons l'amour
tu m'inspires tant d'amour...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Quelle oie vois-tu?

I stumbled upon the loveliest Etsy shop today; Which Goose is a store run by Emily Zych from Maryland, who creates the most beautiful floral crowns and various other pretty items by hand. She also has a blog, which you can check out here. I just fell in love with everything in her store; it makes me want to run out into spring meadows with a summer dress and little wildflowers ribboned into my hair.. Although, I suppose nothing's stopping me... right?

7 buttons:

♥ CheChe said...

hahaha. I like this idea for a wedding. I am so obsessed with everything weddings these days. ugh. I don't know why. I'm broke and single. Two things that don't make for a wedding. hahahaha


Anonymous said...

when I see this kind of pictures I wish I were more the romantic type. lovely.

Piril Maria said...

A great post. Loved it.


shopgirl said...

These remind me of old, romantic movies. Lovely.

Just letting you know I'm having a giveaway this week! Don't miss out.
Rambles with Reese

I'm Sydney. said...

Love it! I think I'll go over and buy something soon :)
I'll run through the fields with you if you would like, it's an absolutely fantastic idea!

Amy Seager said...

really lovely and romantic! thanks for sharing!

Please visit my blog - i've got a giveaway on at the moment!

Have a great day!
love from

Yunita Rebekah said...

So pretty! I wish i have one of those :(

I checked your other blog, btw! It's lovely :)


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